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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

In Tight Virginia Governor's Race, McAuliffe Backs Obama's New Coal Regs

The Democratic nominee in the closely watched 2013 Virginia governor’s race has endorsed the Obama administration’s new regulations on coal -- a daring political move considering his single-digit lead in a state with deep ties to coal mining.

Candidate Terry McAuliffe, known nationally as a powerful Clinton fundraiser, took his stance Tuesday, about two weeks after the Environmental Protection Agency issued the tighter regulations and after months of being pressed to take a position on what is a major election issue.

“I support what we need to do to obviously protect our air and our water,” he said during a campaign stop in northern Virginia, according to The Washington Post.



  1. Aaaaand if the coal-working class doesn't stop his election - they'll be out of jobs soon too!

  2. does this not just say it all. let see these folks elect someone who promises to destroy jobs in his own state for the sake of a lie

  3. people of Virginia don't make the mistake we in Maryland made. take a good look at our job loss and our misery in this state we are jealous of you in Virginia .

  4. If Virginia elects this idiot, they get what they deserve!


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