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Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Holy Cow, Are You Kidding Me Mr. Pollitt? THIS IS A MUST READ

What's next Mr. Pollitt?
Here is the post that started it all 


  1. It's a very good memo with honorable intentions unlike your's or the Daily Times.

  2. Every employee of every government agency is an employee of the taxpayers and the taxpayers have every right to know compensation packages of their employees. Of course, there are a few exceptions like CIA agents, some undercover police officers but most government employees work for us.

  3. Who are the "at-risk" employees placed in "uncomfortable positions"? These are public employees paid with MY taxes and I damn-well have the right to know how much they are being paid. If they don't like it, get another job.!!

  4. Seems to me, they are ashamed of making the money that they do, and rightfully so...

    NO ONE IN THE GOVT SHOULD BE MAKING 100k or more a year... NONE... NOT WHILE OUR TROOPS are over seas dying for these knuckle heads to treat us like gum on the bottom of a shoe...

    I THINK WE SHOULD START SOMETHING or DO SOMETHING that would take away pay or would not give raises or cost of living increases for these high paid people who do basically nothing and have their secretaries do it all... Especially while our troops are only making 20k to 30k a year dying for you to have the right to trample our rights as you do...

    When are the troops going to get sick of this and stand up and take arms? I will gladly be by your side just say the word...

    I guarantee you have 1k or more armed military and civilians storm any govt agency to take it back, and I bet you the govt workers will run like cowards...

    Remember, OBAMA and the others can only enforce things other people are willing to help enforce, like cops or military personnel...If they all say NO, do you honestly think anyone of them damn congress men or govt officials will enforce it themselves? of course not...

    And remember POLICE, you to will be left out to dry once the govt gets what they want and after you get it for them, you will be just like us then, taking it in the ass like with no lube...

  5. I think his memo is on point. We are told its rude to talk about money and then you want to publish it in the paper? They could have publish the salary of each position and left the names out.

  6. Looks as if the D T editor was untruthful to Pollitt or Pollitt says he he was. So why all the secrets?

  7. I'm quite sure many feel uncomfortable people knowing where their tax money is going. My heart bleeds. What good is a list of numbers.

  8. Pollitt has every right to request privacy, not expect it, but certainly request it. It never hurts to ask. The problem as I see it, is: if indeed the Daily Times indicated they would not publish some of the names, and then did, he has every right to be upset with them. Of course every thing is public if requested. Doesn't mean anyone has to like it. But you should be able to take someone at their word. Obviously that is not the case with the DT.

  9. OMG - can we RECALL Pollitt? He doesn't pay the county employees - the taxpayers do. AND HE THINKS WE DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO THIS INFO AND THE COUNTY EMPLOYEES HAVE A RIGHT TO PRIVACY!!!!???? What a clueless man he is. Almost funny if it weren't so sad for the county. I'm sure the employees are up in arms over Mackes' bonus payout and they have a right to be, but to send a letter like this is beyond ridiculous. If Baker signed off on this, maybe he needs to retire. I agree with 2:45 - they ALL need to get another job if they don't like it. This is A prime example of a man (Pollitt) who has never worked in the private sector and all he knows is living off of taxpayer dollars. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE ELECTION!!!!

  10. All County employees pay just as much taxes as the next guy.

  11. So thankful that the DT and SbyNews are reporting this information. Seems like the Executive office is imploding. Pollit is getting really poor advice.

  12. If the DT people lied to him, he has every right to be "disappointed." I'd be really pissed off!

  13. So, 2:58, what is your salary? Why should anyone be ashamed to make a decent salary? Surely you don't want to take away what some people make to give it to those who make less? Sounds like socialism to me....Just sayin

  14. So, you are so thankful to have this information? Why, exactly? Does it impact your life? Or have you been lying awake, losing sleep, wondering what these people make?

  15. 2:58 - really? Rude to talk about money is usually true, but don't think it applies to public servants. People that choose to work in public service need to accept that their salaries are paid by the taxpayer. Therefore, they do not get to enjoy the "benefits" of private enterprise - such as confidentiality. However, most people feel government employees get PLENTY of other benefits - some of which this bunch in Wicomico County doesn't deserve.

  16. Here's the deal. Salisbury News started the whole thing off several weeks ago with a Letter To The Editor exposing pay raises. The DT's went to Pollitt saying SBYNews had already exposed it and they wanted to do a follow up story with more details. One of their Editors used to work for the County and allegedly tried to do everything SHE could to STOP the DT's from producing the article, per Pollitt's request, she failed. From what I learned letters went back and forth but were marked CONFIDENTIAL, therefore I won't expose the exact language but let me at least say these documents were NOT confidential, just marked as such.

    Now, whomever is writing the comments defending Rick, (more than likely from his Office) should realize that this is public money, public jobs and the public has every right to know who is getting what, especially the bonuses. One thing the DT's refused to publish is the MASSIVE abuse of comp pay at the Sheriff's Department and I mean MASSIVE abuse. They really covered that up for Sheriff Lewis and that was wrong. Every department should be made accountable.

  17. As a county employee, yes our salaries are subject to public review. But as a tax payer I should have the right to decide if I want medical insurance and from whom, since I contribute taxes, I should have a right to request those receiving welfare to submit to a drug test and have full diclosure of how they are spending my money. What about thoes public right? The list goes on and on, wonder how many of these public request will affect those who feel their right to have public acccess will object to disclourse of their beneifts paid by the tax payer?

  18. Usually only select people get the compensation and overtime. Most of us don't get the same privilages.

  19. Poor,poor, Ricky. Did your favorite media outlet just pee in your cornflakes? I think it is funny as hell. For once, Ricky can't control the media. How does it fel you jerk?

  20. 3:16 Tell me one position in Wicomico county, that is worth a 100k salary... They had 100k salaries coming out of everywhere... and the town is increasing taxes at every turn. Half of the county employees are inept at their job, so, sure they're embarrassed that it was leaked. Now they have to deal with..."You play candy crush all day, and make that?" Wut?

  21. You should see the massive money being paid out to the Sheriff's Department 3:54. Yes, it's that big.

  22. The more comments I read, and not just here on SbyNews but from all around the net, the more I see the English language being slaughtered.

  23. Ginn, I couldn't agree more. It amazes me all the comments that come through without capital letters to begin a sentence. There there's the text type messages like, u 2 can b there in am.

  24. Joe...I don't see what the big deal is regarding the release of their salary info. I am a state employee and the Baltimore Sun has had a link on their website for the past few years that allows anyone to see what we earn. It also gives you a history of earnings, not just this year. I'm not offended that my info is on there. What's the big deal unless you are ashamed of giving yourself raises while screwing others over.

  25. 3:18 - It impacts my life because the county is WASTING tax dollars all the while wanting more and more. The salary issue is just a symptom of a bigger problem. In case you haven't noticed, there are many counties who have lower taxes and better services than Wicomico. We are not some shining example of fiscal responsibility or even good quality of life. That is why the higher net worth residents are leaving this county and/or claiming other counties or states as their primary residences. With a lower tax base - where do you think the new revenue that is constantly needed going to come from? It is a downward spiral that affects all of us. THAT IS HOW IT IMPACTS MY LIFE!

  26. There should be charges placed against pollitt. He's a lawbreaker.

  27. 3:54 - The good ole girls that used to run 911 played solitaire all day on the taxpayers' money. Nothing has changed in years, just new games like candy crush and more employees that are overpaid for the quality of the job they do.

  28. 4:21 The releasing of the salaries isn't a big deal to anyone but those in control in Wicomico County who are still professing to be building bridges. That's laughable. Of course, all government salaries are public information and it would only be Rick Politt who would want to continue to cover up the happenings in our local gov't. Rick considers himself to be such a historian and yet he wants to believe there is something wrong with releasing names and salaries. Go home Rick.

  29. Ricky P.just when you probably thought this was all dying down you go and send an email like this. WHO IS GIVING YOU ADVICE? ROFLMAO.

  30. The one that pissed me off the most was Gary Mackies. He makes way to much period!

  31. get over it Pollitt... the salaries are public information... deal with it or cry over spilled milk...

    Give me a break... oh poor government works... hardest--slash that... laziest workers on the planet--Military, Police exempted

  32. Ok, after 13 years of working for the state I made 26,756.00 a year. I was glad I made that much. Now how will that information help you. Does it make you hate me or feel better about yourself?map

  33. Joe...it our last comment proves your point..."There there's". ha ha

  34. Since my tax dollars pay for most of your food stamps, maybe everybody on here should post their salary....mine is $98,500. And I earn every dollar of it and worked my way up the ladder to get it.

  35. Will the board of ed. salaries with names be next? Can those who work on a contractual basis be included?

  36. The only reason I can think of that a county employee would be embarressed or feel threaten about having there salary made public is that they feel the amount of work they produce does not justify the amount of salary they are paid!

  37. Pollitt has fallen into the trap that man other politicians experience - trying to cover-up the truth.

    His latest budget is approaching 130 million which is right where we were before the fall in 2008. Yet we have less businesses, less workforce, lower property values, and he has seen to it that the average Joe Blow is getting hosed. Check you taxes - and you will clearly see that they have incrementally gone-up at an alarming escalation pace - and yet Pollitt has become detached from the public. He now tries to hide the truth instead of confronting it.

    IMHO - he should resign.

  38. Hey 5:30. Thanks for posting your salary. Difference is that you didn't have to post your name along with it.

  39. 6:39 , you got what you ask for. You never said you want names. Before I give my name, I want your name and what you make a year. Fair is fair. I am 5:25. map

  40. Clearly this Post is HOT! So HOT it just broke a daily hit record and the day isn't anywhere near over yet.

    The DT's can only dream about these kind of numbers.


  41. Joe, you rock.map

  42. I only wish someone who really is knowledgeable about business would step up and run against Rick Pollitt. He is only lounging in the chair because no one with a recognizable name has run against him. Rick was probably good at his job in Fruitland but he is over his head and has been for 7 years. Please someone who can beat him, file and run for the office. We need someone who will walk the talk and not be so involved in politics.

  43. All of you keep talking about a few that make big bucks. The only thing the county and residents should be ashamed of is how low most of the employees are paid. You had to look at the DT online to see this. The article with the head people positions doesn't show the true picture of what the regular employees receive. $9 an hour? How does anyone live on that? Who is going to be motivated for that?

  44. You all pay the electric workers salary through your electric bills...should you know their names? I can see position and salary, but I don't see the need to publish a non exempt employees name. They aren't appointed or elected.

  45. Gary Mackies makes way too much money for the little he does, and now he is disbanding the CVA for this county so he can say what and when things to do with visitors and tourist get to see and do. He is power hungry and is using the absence of the leader of CVA to take over! Gary "Little Hitler" Mackies!

  46. Pollit's position was correct. I agree with him.

  47. 8:22 People that work for the Electric Company are not Government workers. They work for a private Company owned by stockholders. However, the Power Companies, who are privately owned, are regulated by the Public Service Commission, which are appointed by the Government. So, in fact, if a company is controlled by the government, which is taxpayers money, then should not their salaries be exposed as well.

  48. There are so many closed minded, uneducated people around here. I swear is it sickening. Some positions in Wicomico government NEED to make that much. A good example is Ray Micciche. The report said he made over $100k, but that is a job that directly relates to the private sector. People NEED to be paid competitive wages to keep them. You want qualified people, you pay for it. It would be a bad idea to hire a less qualified IT person to run it, and outsourcing would be much more expensive.

    Think from a productivity and business perspective before rattling off nonsensical garbage.

  49. CEO of pepco/PHI who owns DPL - his salary is published. but your logic is more than a BIT of a stretch

  50. Wicomico salaries seem to be mirroring what is happening in the country. Big disparity between those at the top and those toward the bottom. This leads to resentment in the work force just as it as led to unrest in the country. Those at the top seem to get more and more while those in the middle and bottom fall further behind. Something is really wrong with this picture. If the middle and bottom don't "deserve" better pay, then maybe they should be replaced with employees who do "deserve" better pay. We cannot afford to pay employees who are not giving 100% - so weed out those people. However, if the problem is the top people keep getting all the increases and perks on the backs of the lower paid employees, what does that say about Wicomico County and its management? Are they actually contributing to the downward spiral in the county, the loss of tax base, by their salary structure and philosophy about the employees?

  51. 3:43 has a good point, welfare recipients should have their names also published in the newspaper.

    Between welfare collectors, Federal, state and local government employees make up about 40% of working age people.

    The rest of us have to carry the load.

  52. Personally, I think the only salary increase that was unwarranted was Wendy Riley's. She was rewarded for wasting Wicomico County taxpayers' money to prosecute her for something they had no intention of punishing her for and something she clearly knew she was going to get away with.

  53. I'm all for county employees salaries being posted and I am one. At the same time I want to see all the names receiving public assistance posted as well. It's the same damn thing! Tax dollars!

  54. 9:05, you do realize that people that work for the county pay taxes as well....in essence they pay part of their own salary. I guarantee that your job depends on the services that your tax dollars pay. Therefore, if it weren't for taxes, you wouldn't have a job. That is a FACT. Explain to me otherwise.

  55. Then why don't we publish the names of people that have or are collecting unemployment. I mean....it is tax money, right? I will bet many of you commenting on here have collected at some point. How would you feel about people knowing that you have been on the public dole for not working. The county workers may be on the public dole, but at least they are working.

  56. I work for the county and giggled when this memo came around.

    I wondered how long it would take to get to sbynews. took you long enough, leaker. Couldnt figure out how to use the scanner? LOL


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