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Wednesday, October 09, 2013

A Parent Argues With A 26 Year Old (Democrat) "Child"


  1. That's awful putting a child thru all that.

  2. Funny, but not really, because it is sadly true--a whole generation of lazy "give me everything but I don't want to do anything for it" Fortunately, not all kids are like that...but way too many.

  3. 1141pm must be a liberal. First of all, 26 yrs old is not exactly a child. It bothers me when I see parents still supporting their grown kids, still buying them everything and "paying their way". My opinion is that once they reach 21, they are "on their own" -sorry!

  4. Is this 'child's' name Barack?

  5. Sounds just like Crybaby Obamma

  6. A good parent's response (not doing the political thing) is, "yep, you will probably starve then, because I am not giving one dollar to an ungrateful 26 year old. It's time you bought your own."

  7. Mom should just keep the money. It's time to reteach the old saying to not look a gift horse in the mouth. It's time the 26 year old "kid" flapped his/her wings for himself.

  8. Parent offered money, kid wants to debate that it isn't enough? yep, typical society nowadays. Ok, it's non-negotiable. Take it or leave it. I know that this is supposed to be a facetious statement in the post, but it is actually very very real. I have seen it happen, and the parents argue and give in. If the kid can't be thankful for the offer, then don't offer it at all. I will not place blame, but the parents created an ungrateful child..dumb ass parent. This person is the product of a parent who will not say "no." It's time to say "no" now.

  9. tales from the 'hood.

  10. I do hate children!

  11. To all you dumb dumbs this is the federal government.

  12. Sadly this is so close to the truth. I watch a friend do the same with her adult son who is over 40.

  13. 9:30 gets it, it is a representation of the federal gov't show at the parent/child level. Yes, there are children like this but that's not the intent of story.

  14. ahah! The moral of a story lies not in the hands of the author, but the one who interprets his works! 1:46pm.


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