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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bloomberg's Anti-Gun Group To Drop $1.1 Million For McAuliffe

Independence USA PAC, the pro-gun control group affiliated with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, is spending $1.1 million on advertisements supporting Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the final two weeks of his race to become Virginia’s next governor against Republican Attorney General Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II.

Politico reported that the ads in the D.C. area market will begin Tuesday and continue through the eve of the Nov. 5 election.

Mr. Cuccinelli’s campaign blasted the development.

Terry McAuliffe and his allies are spending tens of millions of dollars in an attempt to buy Virginia’s governor’s mansion and impose an ideological agenda that will severely restrict Virginian’s Second Amendment rights, hike energy prices for Virginia families and undermine our right-to-work laws,” said Cuccinelli communications director Richard T. Cullen.

It’s not the first time that Mr. Bloomberg, who has spent more than $15 million on gun control initiatives, according to Politico, has dipped his toes into Virginia politics.



  1. Virginia is sooooo screwed if they vote him in.

  2. These radical Democrat extremists must be stopped before they ruin America.

  3. I would like to have a camera handy on the morning when Bloomberg wakes up & discovers that US currency is completely worthless.Gold and silver will also be worthless because neither will be redeemable.


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