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Sunday, October 06, 2013

6.1 Million Have Visited Healthcare.Gov

White House official: As of 3 pm, 6.1 million people have visited HealthCare.gov


  1. What they didn't tell you is that 5 million said to shove it up your a$$. But you will never see those comments because it is being run by Muslim Socialists.

  2. Visited is one thing, signing up is something else. Now, tell us how many of those people who visited signed up.

  3. What's interesting is none of the MSM like the Baltimore Sun even have much on obamacare today.
    I even heard that the Sun's Talk Forum is experiencing difficulties. Rumor has it the difficulties are by design because people who managed to actually get on the state exchange site are appalled and are going on the forums to tell not only the high cost but the plans are terrible with very limited things that are covered and huge out of pocket costs.

  4. Go to the healthcare.gov Facebook and read the comments. This is the official Facebook page for Obamacare.
    Couldn't find one person in thousands of comments that has actually enrolled. Nothing but complaints. Besides not being even able to get on the site but the premiums are outrageous and the coverage substandard. Some deductibles are as high as $14,000 and those with pre existing illnesses are finding out they can't afford the prices. Evidently you can get coverage but you are paying trough the ass for it. These people are choosing to opt out but are fuming over now have given the government their info.
    What a debacle. No one seems to be reporting anywhere the number of people who have actually enrolled. I bet the number is so small they are embarrassed.

  5. that is only 2% of the population of 314 million people in the usa

  6. 6:21 is correct. Go try it on your own and as the comments get continually negative they will continue to shut it down. It's not technical difficulties it's government difficulties. Obama and the Democrats forgot something very important, the will of the American people.

  7. I saw one guy from CA commenting on the national healthcare Facebook page who was previously paying $195 a month for his family's coverage through his employer. That particular insurance company pulled out of CA due to obamacare so the employer cut the benefits for the employees. The guy checked in on the exchanges and it will now cost him nearly $1900 a month with terrible coverage and huge deductable compared to what he had before. He said he can not afford it at all. he also quoted Obama as saying "if you have insurance now you will be able to keep it." Another lie because a lot of insurers have pulled out of different states.
    Another lady commented how Obama lied and said this would cost no more than a monthly cell phone bill. She said there isn't one plan offered in her state that's under $150 per month.

  8. The truth sucks doesn't it 8:01. You know yourself if this was so great the obamanistas would be out in full force on those Facebook pages praising obamacare left and right and they aren't because the truth has finally revealed itself and they are feeling like complete fools.
    Wouldn't surprise me if they didn't eliminate the Facebook pages because they are backfiring on them.


  10. The numbers for people actually signing up are a joke. People are looking at the sites just to see how awful the coverage is. When they see the rates & deductibles they are appalled. Just try to call your senator--if they are a Democrat, chances are they won't answer the phone--the cowards have "we can't answer the phone due to government shutdown" (Harry Reid, Ben Cardin & Babs Mikulski all have that). I called the White House to complain about my rates doubling--you get the same message--the shut down is so bad the WHITE HOUSE can't have a person answer the phone, or let you leave a message on a machine. Now--try to call a Republican Senator--amazing--they can still answer their phones, despite the "shutdown"! The Democrats are a disgrace, and so corrupt.

  11. I don't think it's because people embraced it. It's because it happens to be a law. With that being said 6.1 million is not a whole hell of a lot.

  12. How in the hell do they know there were 6 million visits if the damn thing doesn't work and they can't get through?


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