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Friday, September 20, 2013

You’re Buying: Can Pennsylvania Drink Its Way Out Of Debt With New Alcohol Tax?

A proposed tax on alcoholic drinks could give new meaning to the phrase "drinking away your problems" by funneling new revenue toward municipalities in financial distress.
The "Optional Distressed Municipality Alcohol Consumption Tax" is one of three new levies in the proposed legislation from the Local Government Commission Act 47 Task Force, which is working through an update to the state's designation for fiscally distressed municipalities. 



  1. A bunch of them will simply go to Delaware - that's what happened in MD on the Eastern Shore.....

  2. Tax it into non-existence. Just like them stinking tobacco products.

  3. What the hell? Does every state have a bunch of nerds sitting around whose sole purpose is to come up with new fees, fines, taxes, surcharges, etc.?


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