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Friday, September 20, 2013


Students offered copies of Quran
(FOX NEWS RADIO) A Tennessee high school field trip to an Islamic mosque where students received copies of the Quran has parents questioning the decision, and has prompted the school to revise its field trip policy.

As reported by Fox News Radio’s Todd Starnes, the students involved were in an honors world studies class at Hendersonville High School and the field trips to the mosque as well as a Hindu temple were part of a three-week course on world religions.

But some parents objected to the trips, asking why the school would tour a mosque but not a Christian church or a Jewish synagogue.



  1. Actually I thinks it's a good idea. Most people have no idea what a mosque is even for. If it's educational it's a good idea. I visited a historical church when I was in middle school. Everyone in a mosque is not praying to Allah so they can go be a terrorist. I am a Iraq, Somalia and Desert Storm Vet.

  2. The students will ultimately make their own decisions.The parents must think they are vulnerable for some reason.

    1. 1:55 that's all fine & dandy but I doubt that a field trip to a christian church has ever happened or will ever happen. And God forbid if one did happen I'm quite sure bibles being given out would have serious repercussions.

  3. Again we are having Islam pushed down our throats and shoved in our faces. It seems the left has taken the side of the muslim brotherhood. They are persecuting any other religion. And again another attack on the constitution freedom of religion is next on the agenda, prepare yourself for sharia law.

  4. Dear 1:14 and 1:55,

    The students are young and vulnerable. The parents are still the people to make their decisions about what they learn.
    You two are complete idiots.
    Read the Kuran or Curan , you are nothing and should be beheaded.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Actually I thinks it's a good idea. Most people have no idea what a mosque is even for. If it's educational it's a good idea. I visited a historical church when I was in middle school. Everyone in a mosque is not praying to Allah so they can go be a terrorist. I am a Iraq, Somalia and Desert Storm Vet.

    September 20, 2013 at 1:14 PM

    You are also an idiot. Visiting a church is nothing like visiting a mosque. You liberal morons keep trying to indoctrinate our young and vulnerable.

    As a matter of fact I doubt seriously your are a vet of those wars because if you were I have a sneaky feeling you would be saying otherwise.

  6. I am not against teaching young people about different religions and their beliefs. And, if the teacher in the classroom is lacking in knowledge of all religions, then inviting guest religious priests or whatever the title from other religions to speak in class would be wonderful, as long as ALL religions are included and scheduled, and the curriculum approved by parents. And as long as these dialogs are Q/A and not sales pitches.

    Last time I checked, though, religion has not been taught in schools in over 35 years.

    Therein lies the problem.

  7. You all will complain and grumble while getting on the bus.


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