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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Woman Snatches Foul Ball Out Of Hands Of Distraught Little Girl


  1. Having dealt with foul tips for quite some time as a catcher, I can tell you that those things can come in very fast, and what you think happens at the time may not be what really happened. Plenty of times I would think I caught a foul tip that bounced off the ground. That woman might have legitimately thought that she caught that, instead of taking it from the girls hands.

    At the same time, crowding out that little girl's position is a tough one. People break fingers catching balls with gloves, and they had none. A bounce could mean getting hit in the face, causing a broken nose or black eye (I had blood in my eye for 3 weeks when a ball took a bad hop off a rock). The chance of injury was really high to both of them. Who wouldn't want an adult to protect their kid from injuries like this?

    But in the end, the classy thing to do would have been to give it to the child. I wouldn't be surprised if the team didn't make it up to the girl with a meet-and-greet or a few signed things.

  2. It wasn't a foul tip, it was tossed by a player and he obviously threw the ball to the little girl. The pig stepped in front of her, missed it, then snatched it from the rightful recipient.

  3. Actually she is local.From Fruitland I believe.

  4. That was WRONG. I hope that woman has the poops in her white pants.

  5. Kid needs to learn leverage, and better hands overall.

  6. IDK, but I saw her catch the ball, let the 6 YO hold it, and then keep possession.

    But then, I wasn't there.

  7. im sure shes on welfare and cant get enough so she sold her food stamps to buy baseball tickets and while there, does this. she is defiantly for obama!

  8. Anon 12:26.... you say she's from Fruitland? this video was taken in Texas?


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