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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Thank God Its Friday 9-27-13

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Checking out the new amphitheater drive in movie.

  2. Just trying to survive.. Getting more difficult day by day..

  3. Free beer expo in OC!doh

  4. Dock Day at Somers Cove Marina?

  5. Free beer, Relay, Crisfield free beer, free beer, free beer, ..... I'm thinking....

  6. Building a homemade drone to fire on the white house

  7. Good luck penetrating the most secure air space on this planet.For at least the last 20 years even ET's haven't been able to get in.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Good luck penetrating the most secure air space on this planet.For at least the last 20 years even ET's haven't been able to get in.

    September 27, 2013 at 10:10 PM

    You mean like the pentagon?

    First, it was a joke. Wishful thinking maybe, but still a joke.

    Second, one wouldn't have to be in that airspace. A missile can be fired MILES away without being close to the airspace of the airhead.

    Er, I'm talking about obam-ME's airhead btw, not yours.


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