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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Why Is Obamacare So Unaffordable?

Right now, all across America, employees are receiving notices that their insurance coverage is being dropped because it isn’t “compliant” with Obamacare. Simultaneously, employers everywhere are slashing jobs, cutting hours and downsizing their operations just to stay afloat by avoiding the most punishing requirements of Obamacare. Across the economy, Obamacare is devastating American workers and casting tens of millions of people into a state of despair.

Why is Obamacare — the “Affordable Care Act” — so unaffordable? Why is it causing jobs, hours and insurance policies to be gutted all across America? Because it was designed as a political weapon to destroy private sector jobs so that more people would become dependent on government entitlements, food stamps and welfare programs.

Mass victimization is a political strategy, and Obamacare is the weapon



  1. Great article and so true.

    The takers will soon understand that the makers have no more money to give.

    Then the whole makeup of Congress will change and hopefully America will become a great and prosperous nation again. It just might take awhile.


  2. These words are the facts!

    "it was designed as a political weapon to destroy private sector jobs so that more people would become dependent on government entitlements, food stamps and welfare programs."

    SOCIALISM... WAKE UP PEOPLE before it is too late for your children and grandchildren.

  3. why is obamacare so expensive, you say? because it was supposed to be.

  4. 11:01 They aren't going to wake up - They are the ones who VOTED for this idiot and not only did they vote for him but, they did it TWICE!!!!!!!! So they wanted him they got him!! So when he can't give them any more money are they still going to blame Bush?! I for one DID NOT VOTE for him once let alone twice!!! Alot of hospitals around the country are doing layoffs and guess what, Wait till Obamacare is really in effect- We will be done and this great Nation will never be the same again!! Thank You Obama for ruining us!!!!


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