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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Obamacare Premiums: Tennesee Men Face 290%, Women 197% Hike

The White House on Wednesday released a report on the costs of Obamacare for most Americans, heralding its interpretation that 95 percent of the nation will be able to buy health insurance premiums below “earlier projections.”

But note the words “earlier projections.” That doesn’t mean that the insurance Americans will have to buy, or be fined, under Obamacare will be cheaper than what they pay today, before Obamacare kicks in.

We know this because at the same time the White House was releasing its broad study, Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander released his analysis of the report's portion on his state. He found that Obamacare will cost far more than what many of his constituents are paying today, some by as much as 190 percent.


1 comment:

  1. That will be ALL they talk about -- "low monthly premiums". Not ONE of these losers will talk about the DEDUCTIBLE. Keep cheering this Bozo and his socialist transformation of the USA. Cheer even as you get told that your hernia, back surgery, or appendectomy will cost you $5,000. Up front. BUT! Your monthly premium is only $150!! Happy yet?


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