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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Which Boat Stands Out Most At Boat Docking Contest


  1. The one they pay for with my check

  2. Fire boat, der, I say the fire boat...
    hee yup...

  3. the bad boys of Metro disco boat. with all the cool lights to throw in .

  4. I dont know how there have been all those years of boat docking contests around the shore without having a fireboat standing by to protect us.....we sure are lucky to be so well protected.

  5. Oh, let me assure you, the Salisbury Fire Boat has had MORE damage to it from smashing into those piers than ALL of those boats combined in that contest. And I have pictures to prove it.

  6. Please tell me why the boat docking contest needs a $1 Million fire boat standing by? It's been in service for almost 2 years and I am confident they don't know how to use it yet.

  7. This is cool, I am going outside now and watch my GRASS GROW...

  8. What's wrong with the fire boat attending the event ? It's a large event where anything could happen. Drinking, boating, speed, crowds and water create some bad experiences sometimes.

  9. Anonymous said...
    What's wrong with the fire boat attending the event ? It's a large event where anything could happen. Drinking, boating, speed, crowds and water create some bad experiences sometimes.

    September 9, 2013 at 9:44 PM

    Have you ever heard of the Natural Resources Police? Drinking, boating, speed, crowds and water is their jurisdiction. They have their own boats and dive team. Another farmin trying to justify his existence.

  10. I have a question for Know It All 9:44 PM. Who brought those large crowds there? Brew River and they charged for the event and made an enormous profit. Maybe BR should have paid for the use of and staffing of the fire boat if it was really needed.


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