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Sunday, September 15, 2013

New Laws Starts October 1st

Wicomico County Sheriff's Office

Beginning October 1, 2013, Maryland police will be able to stop drivers for hand-held cell phone use. Fines for first-time violators will increase from $40 to $75 and then as much as on a graduated scale for multiple offenses. Also all passengers in a motor vehicle will be required to wear a seat belt because of a Maryland Senate bill signed into law by Gov. Martin O'Malley. Fines also increase from $25 to $50.


  1. I'm so glad we moved to FL!

  2. Once again the MD Democrats steal our rights! Nazi's!!!

  3. Does this mean the sheriffs office employees won't be talking on their cellphones while driving.

  4. At the state Popper's.

  5. You can thank a DEMON-CRATSeptember 9, 2013 at 5:02 PM

    Obama's intrusive Government...The left's agenda...

  6. Driving and talking on a cell phone is more then most Marylanders can handle. Fines should be tripled.

  7. I can see it now; State police pulling over County who was pulling over a City cop, all while on their cellphones! Have you ever driven past a cop who was NOT on the phone?????

  8. fireman and vol. firemen should be exempt too!

  9. Excellent law - cell phone drivers are dangerous!

  10. 7:04 is right, especially in MD. Even worse are women doing their makeup while drinking starbucks and flicking ashes out the window simultaneously.


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