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Sunday, September 15, 2013

"Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning"


  1. At work, it came over the radio, and all of us were just stunned beyond believe.

  2. Pentagon was a missile. Definitely not a plane. Anyone who believes that is nothing but a sheep

  3. Home. It came across the tv as a special report. It was on every channel.

  4. I was writing a paper for school and had the news on so I saw the second plane hit live. Went right to my children's school and pulled them out. We spent the next 2 days together as a family dealing with it emotionally. It was NOT the time for business as usual.

  5. 853 ur a fool, I guess ALL that plane wreckage was placed there....FOOL. go to a muscum country where they love that talk.

  6. Agreed with poster 8:53 am:

    This was an inside job to go to war on terror which is a never ending war because everyone lives in fear like cowards they are... All the evidence I have seen and came across, and interviews show me so, and to think otherwise you're no better than obama or bush themselves... Its also funny how anyone who opposed wars or the elite got murdered in strange accidents right after they said or did what it was that the elites hated...

    To think a tower build for earthquakes can fall exactly the way it did without a controlled blast is just completly stu0pid thinking... There is no way the steel at the lower levels would have broke, buckled or fell... not even under the weight of the falling parts... and if you know anything, you would know that buildings unless control blown do not fall in a perfect hole on itself and that it will fall sideways... also if you all know explosives and physics, it is not possible for jet fuel to burn hot enough to melt steel, and let alone the fuel would have been burned up by the big ball of fire... there is no way that paper, carpet and desks would make a fire hot enough to make steel weak... plastic explosives once set off burn hotter than steel and can melt steel... and with interviews from firefighters, they said they saw molten steel, molten steel fused with other steel, and heard explosions... this is impossible from a jet fuel, not hot enough... then they show pictures, of melted rock under the foundation of the towers, this is physically impossible if a plane in eh top of the tower and that is how it fell... There was radiation under the building which means they let off a low yield nuke type explosion which melted the rock and it looked like a river was flowing but instantly froze... well jet fuel is not hot enough to melt rock, and how could it if the plane was at the top of some 300 floors?

    not to mention, I was at work when it happened, and the first pics of the pentigon sowed no debris and no plane and nothing... it was a missle... if you look at the building plans, what exactly was in that areas hit? the servers for the govt that had prof of all of this, which is now gone from the missle... NOT TO MENTION, the pentigon is the most highly guarded area in this country next to the white house and they have ground to air defenses that were turned off, why? the plane if there was one, would have been shot down by this protection they have, yet it wasn't...

    Call me this or that, I DON'T give two shits, I know what i know and I have proof, where is your's?

    Terror won't exist if you are not terrified... knowing you will die one day someday somehow, knowing you OWE ONE DEATH NO MATTER WHAT will help you life your life for today and should make you a better person for it...

    You can die from falling off your front step, or by pressing a button but you all are not scared of that, but you are scared of a plane in the sky or what someone 3k miles away will do, well HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THEY CAN GET HERE OR HAVE THE MONEY TO GET HERE OR TO DO THE THINGS YOU'RE SCARED OF? some govt body has to help, and for them to get in ours it has to be our country helping them...

    Do you feel safer yet? will all this shit going on they say they do to stop shit and nothing is being stopped, there are more holes in things than before yet you all feel safe? why? how? nothing has been fixed since they said they would fix it.... just shows you go alone to get along and youre no more than sheeple so... it is your own fault you lead yourself to slaughter...

    We tried to help, we tried to warn you all but as usual you go on not caring...

  7. An actual announcement came on every major news network that the plane over Pennsylvania had been SHOT DOWN.Moments later that statement was retracted.The initial report was that Air Force jets had shot it down with a missile.Presumably it was headed for DC and was perceived as a threat.Who knows?

  8. It was white liberal college FOOLS that help put Oscami in office ...y bc it was a "COOL" thing to do.............MORONS.

  9. 10:14 what plane wreckage? Please watch "loose change", its free on YouTube. Educate yourself buddy!


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