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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Colorado Lawmakers Ousted In Recall Vote Over Gun Law

COLORADO SPRINGS — Two Colorado Democrats who provided crucial support for a slate of tough new gun-control laws were voted out of office on Tuesday in a recall vote widely seen as a test of popular support for gun restrictions after mass shootings in a Colorado movie theater and a Connecticut elementary school.
The election, which came five months after the United States Senate defeated several gun restrictions, handed another loss to gun-control supporters. It also gave moderate lawmakers across the country a warning about the political risks of voting for tougher gun laws.

The recall elections ousted two Democratic state senators, John Morse and Angela Giron, and replaced them with Republicans. Both defeats were painful for Democrats – Mr. Morse’s because he had been Senate president, and Ms. Giron’s because she represented a heavily Democratic, working-class slice of southern Colorado.

In an emotional concession speech, Mr. Morse called the loss of his seat “purely symbolic” and defended the record of the last legislative session as “phenomenal.”

“We made Colorado safer from gun violence,” he said afterward, as his supporters trickled away from a hotel ballroom here in his district. “If it cost me my political career, that’s a small price to pay.”



  1. It's time to do the same thing in Maryland. Who has the balls to start a recall petition?

  2. never happen in the peoples republic of Maryland!

  3. if only md had recalls

  4. Too many LibTards here for it to work even if it got started.

    Consider how easily Dumbocrats get reelected in the Socialist Republic of Maryland.

  5. omg, he did not go there did heSeptember 11, 2013 at 11:11 AM

    How do we proceed? I am not afraid of this rotten Government nor the Homo-sexual that runs it

  6. y cant they recall Omalley????

  7. Having come from Colorado before moving to the Eastern Shore, I was totally dismayed to witness the "political" mindset demonstrated in their last election cycle.
    Colorado has unfortunately been transformed by the influx of Californians, who having reaped great returns on selling their properties in California back in the late 90's brought with them the "left state" mind set... or simply the mind set of the "land of fruits and nuts".
    It is so encouraging to witness the outrage and taking back of their state.

  8. 11:08 your are correct there are too many brain dead Libtards in Maryland.
    Maryland is the state with the most people that has had a lobotomy successfully performed.

  9. look in the constitution or online or somewhere if you want info on where or how to start... call a congressman, I bent andy would help you with getting it started, don't count on the dems who won't answer or will give false info...

    You have to have a petition made up, maybe even notarized... but then you need a certain amount of people to sign it, a lot more than needed because someone they will say most sigs are not legit...

    Like the president, your vote doesn't count and never did, if it did then voter fraud would have been fixed, which it hasn't... then if you think about it, it is the electoral college that puts in front of you, the people you can vote on, now think on that... they put who you vote for in front of you... meaning your vote counts when you vote on those who they put in front... outside that, your vote is meaningless...

    Also, if you notice, how each person who runs for pres is the same exact person no matter which side they are on... meaning repub or dems they all work together and no matter who you voted for, they made sure either side had someone they wanted in... so in the end they get what they want...

    Just like the crap about the bay bridge... the govt went so high with the fees because they knew you would fight back, and you did... but you still lost... they still got an increase like they wanted, and you got nothing but to pay more for each time you cross the bridge...

    You think you did something by stopping them from getting 10 bucks versus 8 bucks... we'll we all lose because it went from 2.50 to 8 bucks... they win we lost yet some of you still think and feel good like you did something...

    In the end it won't matter because it will be put on referendum and then voter fraud will happen and we still will lose the gun battle... just like the dream act...


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