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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Too Funny!


  1. LOL Now that is funny!

  2. That's one strong woman to take what the leftist have thrown at her and she is still beating the crap out of them.

  3. Too cool...she would be a great Secretary of State in 2016

  4. I think she would be a better Secretary of Energy or head of the EPA--This country could have an economic boom if the restrictions Obama and his regime have placed on oil and natural gas were realistic instead of destructive. But then we wouldn't be enslaved to the Saudis--Obama isn't going to let us become energy independent EVER.Can't be a totalitarian dictator if the citizenry is prosperous and self reliant--gotta have them chained to government dependency. We have lost the U.S.A.

  5. I think she should have paid more attention to raising her own family and running her own state while she had the chance. Loser!

  6. 2:15 is just another jealous liberal. Sorry for you.

  7. 2:15 is that you again O'Malley your such a loser .

  8. No education... no class. Fits right in here.

  9. Way to go, Dems: Try to turn a comment about Ob's screw-ups into a Palin problem. Just making your problems our problems, right??

  10. It's amazing how far blind ambition can go without any brains

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No education... no class. Fits right in here.

    September 27, 2013 at 4:11 PM

    And why are you here?

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's amazing how far blind ambition can go without any brains

    September 27, 2013 at 11:22 PM

    Who and what are you talking about?

  12. 12:13 You are joking ... right?

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:13 You are joking ... right?

    September 28, 2013 at 1:54 PM

    Not at all. Why would you think I was joking?

  14. The left just can't stand (and don't get) a strong woman with a mind of her own, especially one that shoots guns!

  15. The lids support losers like Hillary who can't even satisfy her man. and no wonder Bill don't want to touch her with all the blood on her hands.


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