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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Do You Still Have A Full Time Job?


  1. That would imply that A. They work, or B. that they're alive.

  2. DAG SHORTY HE TELLIN ON YOU YOSeptember 27, 2013 at 1:52 PM

    So true...

  3. There are a large number of Democrats in the work force...they work in schools (unionized), education (gov't funded), media (no idea how they are hostaged), government (gimme jobs - incapable of working for an enterprise required to turn a profit), and health care (soon to be force fed).

  4. I am a democrat and I run a relatively successful consulting firm. Sorry to break the stigma and ruin everyone's fun.

  5. Come to the GoB and talk to us! We voted for Obama and we're here LOL

  6. 3:03 So, you admit to being a sheep, and simply voting on a letter next to someones name... versus actually researching candidates, and voting on what is best for the country, and future generations, as well as us today?

    Good job.

  7. I'd keep that to myself, 3:03. I employ consultants, and would avoid any that advertise blatantly poor decision-making.

  8. 3:03
    So what's your specialty? Teaching loafers how to game the system?

  9. Strange, I voted for Obama twice and I bill $200/hour for my work.

  10. Well, I voted Gary Johnson in the hopes that one day I could charge $200 an hour for my services, but instead I got a guy intent on the destruction of the economy, and am now looking toward welfare. I'm glad you have been able to keep your business, but please look around at your brothers out here, as many are suffering.

    Or, you can keep your snooty attitude, and hopefully, you will go down.

    Time to say, "FU", 6:00 PM!

  11. gob stands for "government office building"

  12. 6:00 P.M. I bet you support Tort reform too?


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