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Sunday, September 29, 2013

TONIGHT In Princess Anne


  1. 1:10 I've never seen jim wear red, and he wasn't "that" big either.

  2. HATE a circus. Animal abuse and neglect at its worst. I knew that even at a very tender young age when I saw the elephants tethered (tied down)

  3. I'm surprised Jimbo didn't go bareback.

  4. 7:59 PM

    So you would rather the elephants walk around freely?

  5. 10:23 Yes! In their own country and out of a clown side show. Some day we will learn the truth about how animals were able to see us and we will know that we were selfish and mean to creatures with feelings much like our own. They have already been observed mourning their dead and helping one another as family in their true habitat. How bout we just take you from your home and family and send you all over the country to do tricks and chain you up at night when you are not needed. That be ok?

  6. 11:47 PM

    They are not in their own country and are indeed in a "clown side show". The question was would you rather have them tethered or walking around freely THERE.

    I am a human being, not an animal. The scenario you try to present would never happen, and you cannot compare the two to begin with.

    They have to be "chained up" or they would wander around when not preforming. If they were not, it would pose a danger to them, other animals and more importantly, people.

    When the lion lays down with the lamb, then you can have your eutopia. Untill then, most of us have to live in reality.

    You should give it a shot.

  7. Jimbo riding Dumbo, or is the other way around.

  8. 2:40 You're joking right?


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