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Sunday, September 29, 2013

School Official Tells Students Trayvon Martin Case Proved It Is 'Legal To Hunt' Children

An email sent to students by a University of Maryland official that cites the Trayvon Martin shooting as evidence "it is legal to hunt down and kill American children in Florida" is being blasted as the latest evidence of a left-wing bias on campus.

The email, from William Dorland, director of the school's Honors College, starts by welcoming students back to campus, but then quickly veers into politics.

"This year, we learned that it is legal to hunt down and kill American children in Florida," it reads, in a reference to the trial of George Zimmerman, who was cleared of all charges in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The email went out to all students in the Honors College.



  1. And also perhaps that thugs should be allowed to roam free and terrorize innocent victims.

    That's part of the problem here in America. The true innocents in a situation is forgotten.

    I liked yesterday's post of 10,000 plus black kids killed since Trayvon - does anyone remember their names?

  2. this professor also proves you don't always get a good education in college. although he obviously holds a degree in stupidity

  3. Nonsense like this is why toilet paper is worth more than a degree from U of MD.

  4. Fire that piece of crap yesterday! No unemployment benefits and no retirement. Mrs tom

  5. As an alumnus who contributes to the university, this idiot needs to be terminated immediately.

  6. Does the "Honors College" have anything to do with integrity, honor, and calm reasoning? That statement is so false and inflammatory that, for the Director of the college to say it, is beyond outrageous. Terminate him this afternoon.

  7. I am an alumni as well and will make sure the school understands they get no more money from me as long as he is employeed.

  8. University of Maryland... enough said.

  9. You can't fire tenured professors. Oh, wait, hmmm maybe if you have an education you would know that!

  10. Wow really, and WHO is the Racist here?

  11. Then why have tenured professors? Its like having politicians for life. Oh wait you know that, you have an education.

  12. As long as you check em in.

  13. Is he a black professor? And why is he showing a photo of Martin when he was 13 years old and not the Martin that was on drugs and stealing to support his habit.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You can't fire tenured professors. Oh, wait, hmmm maybe if you have an education you would know that!

    September 26, 2013 at 12:41 PM

    Which course did you take that taught you that?

  15. More fear mongering. All we have to fear is fear itself.

  16. 9:18 I don't need to know what color he is to know he is inappropriate in a time that something like that could possible cause far worse. Words are powerful and people would be served better to learn a few other than the self serving ones.

  17. I am so tired of hearing this dead horse being beaten, pun intended. I guess if the trayvon case made it legal to hunt kids, the O.J. case made it legal to hunt ex-wives? Or Micheal Jackson case made it legal to molest kids, if you have enough money to pay off the families? Doesn't this country have much more important matters to worry about than a dead thug?


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