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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

That IRS Woman Is Retiring

Lois Lerner – the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) bureaucrat whose stunning confession kicked off the biggest scandal in the agency’s history – is retiring.

On May 10 Lerner dropped a bombshell on Washington, D.C. when she stated she was “sorry” the agency had inappropriately targeted limited government groups for additional scrutiny in the years leading up to the 2012 election. Lerner claimed this “error in judgment” was confined to low-level employees in Cincinnati – a statement which later turned out to be false.



  1. So, O can commit crimes and to get out of court, all I have to do is quit my job? You mean there's no punishment for the crime after that?

    I'm in! I'll get me a Gubmint job, soak the system, and quit when caught for a great retirement!

    Who knew this was the ticket?

  2. That beeeatch needs to have her a$$ thrown in jail


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