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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Census: State and Local Income, Sales, Motor Fuel, Motor Vehicle, and Alcoholic Beverage Taxes Hit All-Time Highs in 2nd Quarter

Revenues from state and local individual income taxes, general sales and gross receipt taxes, motor fuel taxes, motor vehicle taxes and taxes on alcoholic beverages each hit all-time highs in the second quarter of this year, according to data released today by the Census Bureau.

That means that in no quarter of any year since the Census Bureau first started tracking state and local tax revenues in 1962 have Americans paid more in each of these categories of state and local taxes then they did in the quarter that ran from April through June of 2013.

Americans paid a record of $114.032 billion in state and local individual income taxes in the second quarter of this year, according to the Census Bureau. That was up $7.787 billion—or 7.3 percent—from the previous all-time record of $106.245 billion in state and local individual income taxes that Americans paid in the second quarter of 2008.
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  1. And where did this money go? We are in worse shape than ever. The more money paid in taxes means less money in the hands of the people who earned it. The libs think they know how to spend our money better than we do, they make me want to throw-up. O'Malley, Mikulski, Cardin and the rest of them are just plain crooks.

  2. The housing,etc. crash of '08 is just now reverberating. Taxes are higher because property revenues tanked. It sucks, but that is what maintains our services.

  3. You "ain't" seen anything yet.. Wait until Obamacare kicks in next year and then the next year. In comparison, the last depression will be just a slight dip in the economy.

  4. Whay.services ? Roads they are top notice, public safty stay home with loaded gun, oh and all thefood stamps andgov. Housing,what eles could you want or dream of yes HEALTH CARE FOR ALL,with the rulers getting extra help we surfs dont deserve

  5. little early to be drunk isn't it?

  6. Why would that be a surprise? Especially when all those taxes have been raised.

  7. Revolution. Why? Because voting won't help (no matter WHO is in office, they spend EVERYTHING) and they WILL NOT STOP raising taxes, fines, fees, surcharges, levies, etc., unti we are bled out. "Let them eat cake." How did THAT one turn out?


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