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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Texas Man ID'd As Shooter In DC Attack That Killed 12

A gunman suspected in the killing of at least a eleven people at a Navy building in Washington has been identified as Aaron Alexis, 34, of Texas, Fox News has learned.

Police were operating under the theory that the gunman may not have acted alone, although one person being sought was later found and cleared. Alexis was killed in the shooting, which broke out just after 8 a.m. at the Naval Sea Systems Command headquarters in southeast Washington.



  1. **********************September 16, 2013 at 3:29 PM

    Lets see if the Muslim president says what this situation is , RADICAL MUSLIM TERRORIST hitting our home shores.

  2. One shooter was described as a tall African American with an AR15.

    Just wonder what ole Al Sharpton has to say about this.
    Please take our guns away , just try it!

  3. They had the wrong address. 1600 Pa. ave.

  4. It was also reported that the "down" gunman was carrying fake ID. We need more gun control in DC!! Wait.... ummmmmm

  5. Let's see if I have this correct. A man or men go into a district that has outlawed guns. He starts shooting people and is taken down by someone carrying a gun. So making laws that ban guns didn't work. Not allowing guns there did not work either. Seems the only way people are safe is if they have a gun as protection.

  6. I wonder if he had a background check done...

  7. stand tall because another attempt will be made to hold the sane normal Americans right to bear arms responsible ..remember when cane slew able with a rock ..its the evil in mans heart that is the true enemy...

  8. How do we find out if he was a legal gun owner with a background check? Are Ar15's legal to own in DC?

    If this plays to my hand, all the background checks and laws ever made made no difference.

    The only thing that stopped a maniac today is a good guy with a gun who used it wisely and sanely.

    Point made.

  9. he was a Buddhist not a muslim terrorist. Something doeesn't add up about this. he also had a legal concealed weapon in texas.

  10. I bet his morgue picture shows a nice long Muslim beard.

  11. The BIG problem here is the military whithin the bases can't carry..and certain a//holes know it....thanx president

  12. He had a gay roommate .........

  13. 7:32-That was Clinton who came up with the brilliant idea to disarm military personnel while on bases.

  14. Gun free zones attract this behavior. Have a good year, America! Bang, Bang! It's a free for all!

    Is this the world you want, America? Really?

    If not, fight for your Second Amendment rights, instead of mourning the loss of your loved one.

    It's a pretty simple choice.

    Good guys with guns can stop this s8it everywhere.

  15. So, what was the agency that got shot up working on?Good answer to know.

  16. Once it's found out about this sicko's Muslim ties it will be hush hush from then on out.

    Let the cover ups begin.


  17. Good guys with guns can stop this s8it everywhere.

    September 16, 2013 at 8:45 PM

    I have read he took weapons from the guards there and used them.

  18. news is reporting an ar-15 was used. law enforcement says a shotgun
    and two hand guns.
    more liberal propaganda.

  19. CNN is reporting an AR-15 was NOT used.


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