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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tell Us The Story Again


  1. his stories always end in a lie. he is one of the worst govs we've had inmy lifetime. thanks sjd

  2. OMG...that is a nightmare scenario!

  3. 5:22 AM - Oh it's not a scenario, it is what it is.

  4. Now, is that any way to talk about the next President of the US? Scary, isn't it? From the frying pan into the fire!!

  5. Perfect text to pic ratio!

  6. Folks...We need to stop O'Malley now.
    He will finish the destruction of the country that Obama has started. If he continues the fate of the country will be the same as Maryland's and that is a pretty dismal outlook. Unless you are an illegal.

  7. I hope he's not teaching the dumbocrat math that says negative job growth equals positive job growth. And the basic question for today is would you buy a used car from Martin the Maniac????

  8. Please keep this scumbag away our children.

  9. the first thing to remember about Mr. O'Malley is if he is talking he is lieing and second if he is smiling he is lieing and third.//he is always smiling or talking


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