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Friday, September 13, 2013

Taliban Launches Attack On U.S. Consulate In Afghanistan, At Least Two Security Officers Killed

Militants engaged security forces in a gunfight outside the American consulate in the western Aghan city of Herat early Friday.
The attack began at 6 a.m., when two suicide car bombers exploded 60 meters from the front gate of U.S. Consulate in Herat, Afghanistan.
KABUL, Afghanistan — Taliban militants set off two suicide car bombs in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in western Afghanistan on Friday morning, triggering a gunbattle with security forces that left at least two Afghans dead.

The U.S. said all its personnel from the consulate in the city of Herat were safe and American forces later moved into the area to secure the site.

The attack underscored the perilous security situation in Afghanistan, where U.S.-led troops are reducing their presence ahead of a full withdrawal next year.



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