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Friday, September 13, 2013

D.C. Mayor Vetoes Wage Bill Affecting Wal-Mart

WASHINGTON — Mayor Vincent Gray vetoed a bill Thursday that would force Wal-Mart and other large retailers to pay their employees at least $12.50 an hour, calling it a “job killer” that would not advance the goal of a living wage for District of Columbia workers.

The bill put Washington at the center of a national debate on how far cities should go in trying to raise pay for low-wage workers — and whether larger companies should be required to pay more. Supporters — including unions, clergy and other labor advocates — said Wal-Mart could afford the higher wages, while opponents said the bill unfairly singled out certain businesses and would have a chilling effect on economic development.



  1. I stop shopping @ walmart due to the company greed. Walmart make millions of dollars off the middle class, senior citizen and the poor. But, they won't pay their employees a decent wage so that they could take care of their own family.

  2. Raise the minimum wage to $50.00 per hour, then we won't have so many people on welfare..

  3. Yeah, let's raise the minimum wage to $50 or even $100 per hour. Then you will need a wheelbarrow full of money just to buy a loaf of bread.

  4. I agree 7:02. Something like upwards of 80% of their employees receive at least one or more type of welfare benefit which we are all paying for.
    Some like to say these types of jobs are "stepping stone jobs" or should be anyway. That's not the case anymore. They have become careers for those who used to be employed in blue collar types of jobs (factories) which have all left or closed.

  5. pay a cart pusher the same wage as a police officer? yeah ok

    1. you could pay them the same as a paid fireman in Salisbury they sure do a lot more work than one .

  6. Walmarts business model was great for students and mothers wh needed part time or just the flexibility to tend to young kids. That being said alot of folks went there with higher expectations because all the other jobs are gone so its unfair to lay the blame at walmarts feet.

  7. "Anonymous said...
    pay a cart pusher the same wage as a police officer? yeah ok

    September 13, 2013 at 9:46 PM"

    The problem is the government subsidies/entitlements these low wage earners are entitle to. These companies are a major reason we have high taxes, fees, etc. We are paying for their employees to the tunes of millions and millions if not billions a year. Everyone complains about free breakfast and lunch programs, Section 8 housing and on and on.
    Well guess what a lot this is Walmart employees getting these entitlements.
    Bottom Line-everyone is fooled into thinking they are getting inexpensive items at Walmart when the reality is you are paying for it in other ways.

  8. Well, what do other retail/ grocery operations pay their employees? We don't hear about those people having to get public assistance. So Walmart must have a lower pay scale. Plus it sounds like Walmart treats workers like dogs and not humans.

  9. I shop at Walmart 5 times per week for one thing or another. If I could shop there 7 days a week I would. If people aren't happy with their pay they should learn skills that would put them in demand elsewhere . Anyone can put a box on a shelf or swipe a box across a scanner. That is why there is self checkout. Pay is based on skill level and need for the labor. If anyone can do what you do you can't expect top dollar for your efforts.


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