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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

State Police: Pending Requests Won't Need Handgun Qualification

Residents who have submitted handgun purchase applications before new requirements go into effect next Tuesday will not have to obtain a handgun qualification license, Maryland State Police said Tuesday.

The pending new law has prompted a huge increase in applications for firearm purchases, and a backlog has resulted. In the last two weeks, troopers said applications are coming in at the rate of 1,000 per day.

The agency said that troopers will not enforce the new requirements, which also include background checks and fingerprinting, on applications submitted by Monday.



  1. So now we're all going to be safer since there won't be any violent crimes committed with those horrible bad guns, right? Yeah right, pass the Kool Aid, I'm thirsty for some more daily BS from our liberal big brother society. I would be surprised if we don't see a dramatic rise in crimes committed with the use of a firearm, any firearm. As has been said ad-nuassium,(sp) it's not about the children or guns or crime for that matter. It's about total control that the progressive left want to impose on WE THE PEOPLE! And it won't change until WE THE PEOPLE stand up and fight either through elections and/or revolution!

  2. Can the State Police legally refuse to uphold the law?? Guess they learned from Ob' to be selective in what they want to enforce. Now the police are changing laws just like Ob'. Why bother to have a justice system??

  3. Mulkulski your history too in 2014September 25, 2013 at 6:24 PM

    THE NRA just received $250,000.00 from a gun manufacturer to SUE O'Gay O'Malley over this commie plot to with hold and make it difficult for law abiding citizens to obtain guns...


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