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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

MSNBC: White Men Can’t “Appreciate” How Awesome It Would Be To Have Hillary Clinton As President

No surprise the woman who said this writes for the Washington Post-owned anti-white website The Root.

A panel on MSNBC this morning dug into the extensive New York Magazine story on Hillary Rodham Clinton, with a focus on her likelihood as a presidential candidate in 2016. Guest host Mara Schiavocampo cited a quote from a source in the story saying that Clinton’s march to presidential contention is “like a force of history.”

When given a chance to opine on that matter, MSNBC.com’s Timothy Noah sought cold water, calling “overwrought” the “idea that she is being buffeted by the winds of history.” The process, argued Noah, is a touch simpler than all that: “If she runs, it’s because she wants to be president of the United States,” he argued.

Race and gender then penetrated the conversation, courtesy of panelist Keli Goff, of the Root. Here’s how she disputed Noah’s disputation of the whole history-mission thing:



  1. Just more "race baiting".

  2. Hillary will complete the destruction of America (If Ob' leaves anything).

  3. 12:05-Unless you are very young you will never see the end of the Obama repercussions.Is it possible for Hillary to be worse?

  4. Her butt should be in jail for lying !

  5. I would LOVE to see a woman president! BUT NOT HILLARY!!

  6. Oh yeah it would just be so 'awesome' to have her as president.
    The jerk couldn't even do her job as SOS. When the top official at the State Dept fails to read the cables from the top official in the most volatile country in the world (Libya) that's gross incompetence.
    The problem is, the democrat voters are so dumbed down and ignorant they will vote for her anyway.

  7. What about those 4 men in Benghazi?
    Hillary" Aaah, thats been so long ago and Why Does It Matter Now?" We the People Remember This Come Election Time.

  8. At least her clothing bill might be lower than Michelle Obamas...Hillary can wear Bill's clothes...she loves those masculine pantsuits!


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