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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Shutdown Impact: Tourists, Homebuyers Hit Quickly

If the government "shuts down" next Tuesday, your mail will still come. Doctors will see Medicare patients. NASA will keep talking to the astronauts circling Earth on the Space Station. In fact, the majority of government will remain on the job.

The closings would hit random Americans first: vacationers hoping to take in Mount Rushmore or a Smithsonian museum. Homebuyers seeking government-backed mortgages. Veterans appealing the denial of disability benefits. Perhaps on the bright side -- for some -- tax audits would be suspended.

Troubles would spread the longer a shutdown lasted.



  1. I hope we get to find out. It's time to stop the govt from dictating our lives and shoving legislation down our throats. AHA is already having a negative impact on our lives and will continue to get worse. I'm sure our conservative elected officials know this and will stand firm and defund this mess.

  2. If you really think about it , I don't think we will see any effect , they don't do too much anyway.
    It takes 6 months for them to make any decision. It takes 6 months for them to pay a bill. It takes 1 1/2 years to decide if a veteran can get disability .
    Who needs em anyway?

  3. Shut them DOWN....to show WE DONT NEED THEM.


  5. Let me figure this out , we have about 80,000,000 government workers , 22 million Mexicans receiving money from the government after they cut grass., 33 million blacks getting money from the government after they finish work as cna's.
    25 million government payroll employees doing nothing.
    No problem , shut em down!!!

  6. 4:47-In a way that's a good thing.It's like having a father that we never knew.We won't miss what we don't have.

  7. Shut down. Nothing will happen. As always in America the private sector will step in and get the job done. Medicare and Social Security, food stamps and welfare will continue to flow. If Obama and the Dem's cut off food stamps and welfare, then that's when the serious problems will occur. Obama has tried to hold us hostage long enough. It was easy for O'Malley because Maryland voters are dumb and he knew it.

  8. Shut it down. More people will benefit than the ones that are shut down. Nighty night!

  9. I'm thinking much like the rest of you. Can a government shutdown really be that bad of a thing?

    When they are working they screw up everything they touch. So I too am thinking we can do better without them.

    Oh, and one more thing, no work, no pay.

  10. Shut it down.Its not going to affect my business not one bit even if it was for a year.


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