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Friday, September 27, 2013

Senators Push Bill To End NSA’s Mass Phone Record Collection

WASHINGTON (AP) — Spying by the National Security Agency has cost the United States economically and angered allies, a bipartisan group of senators said Wednesday in unveiling legislation that would end the collection of millions of Americans’ phone records and data on Internet usage.

Three Democrats – Oregon’s Ron Wyden, Mark Udall of Colorado and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut – and Republican Rand Paul of Kentucky outlined their legislation to end longstanding NSA surveillance practices and open up some of the actions of the secret federal court that reviews government surveillance requests.



  1. Odd how they spill out of the cracks when something affects them.., ain't it?

  2. Ahhhh, here comes the "good cop - bad cop" routine to make us think they are outraged and trying to put a stop to something they knew about all along....hint-- nothing will stop. Quite the opposite....but don't let THAT stop your cheering....


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