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Friday, September 27, 2013

City To Host Offshore Powerboat Racing Next Weekend

OCEAN CITY — The grand spectacle of offshore powerboat racing returns to Ocean City next weekend and this time around, world championships will be on the line for the competitors in various classes.

Offshore powerboat racing has been a staple for the shoulder season in the resort off and on for the last decade or so with the Offshore Powerboat Racing Association (OPA) making stops in the resort during its summer-long racing series.

Because of the timing of the summer season in Ocean City and the need to close off a vast area of open ocean to accommodate the racing, the OPA typically puts its Ocean City stop at or near the front of the schedule.


  1. Great, more drunken rednecks

  2. I had heard the sport had taken a hit because of the high cost of fuel in recent years.

  3. SALISBURY FIRE DEPARTMENT fireboat will be participating in this event. However, no one on duty can read the owners manual and they just advised Central Alarm they will have a delayed response. Apparently those who can read are reading the menu at Chic Filet.


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