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Sunday, September 01, 2013

Salisbury Motor Vehicle Administration Office Closed

The Salisbury Motor Vehicle Office is closed, (get this) Today, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Your tax dollars hard at work. Their kiosk is available though.


  1. Been there.. done that. Boy were people angry. Lots of people pouring in and long line for kiosk. People (including me) did not get the word. :)

  2. Maryland would be better off if MVA closed for good and you could get tags and drivers License at the local bank or convenience store. Think about it.

  3. Lets make this fair,everyone gets these days off also.

  4. This makes perfect sense, what better way to punish the average working person. Not to mention the wisdom of shuttting down a revenue producing service. Let me say that again, A REVENUE PRODUCING SERVICE. You can't make this type of @#$% up.

  5. Today was a salary reduction day. Not a paid holiday. Blame the governor.

  6. I don't know but I think if I had to take an unpaid leave day I would make it as long as possible... say Labor Day Weekend.

  7. Lay off Days - Are tax dollars are not at work! That is why they are closed!

  8. No - Service Reduction Days are "payback days" from when they had to take layoffs. It is paying them back for when they had to take a reduction in pay...so they get a reduction in service. To me - that would be a paid holiday, regardless of what it is called. There are several throughout the year...all centered around other holidays so they have at least a 4 day weekend. This has been going on for the last couple fiscal years, it is nothing new. All state agencies except the universities, it was negotiated with the governor by the union.

  9. Well I received my renewal notice last month so I went in last week and got mine. Sorry to all you whiners, I mean procrastinators who waited.

  10. It would be great customer service for the state to let the citizens know about all the state closings ahead of time so we can make our plans accordingly.

  11. 1:56-Or K-Mart,where I got my drivers license,or at least that's what everyone tells me.

  12. Had the day off and didn't get paid for it. If your to damn stupid to read the signs don't bitch because apparently the bill boards and traffic signs with ads for events aren't worth using to inform people

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Lets make this fair,everyone gets these days off also.

    August 30, 2013 at 2:28 PM

    Everyone does not work for the state.

  14. I'm holding a computer in my hand that requires zero interaction with a MVA office.

  15. 7:46...the days state agencies are closed are public knowledge. They are listed on the state's website, MVA's website, as well as listed in the newspaper. Quit your whining and don't procrastinate until the last day of the month.

  16. You are wrong... there are vehicle transfer issues that still need to be done in person.

  17. 10:50-Absolutely true.Furthermore,I refuse to labor over a computer when I'm spending a fortune anyway.Someone should be physically available.


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