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Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Representative Matt Salmon: Syria Authorization ‘Will Fail By 20 Votes’

Arizona congressman Matt Salmon’s constituents have called his office 500 times about Syria, he tells National Review Online in an interview, but only two callers have expressed support for intervening there. “This is not hyperbole!” he says emphatically.

And Salmon himself is firmly against authorizing a strike. “I don’t see any national-security imperative for our country at all. Both sides in this equation are bad actors.” He also notes that Obama has been unable to form an international coalition and hasn’t laid out an overall objective for a missile strike. “Other than saving face for the president, I don’t understand what we would be doing,” he says.

Further, Salmon doubts the intervention will be brief. “Nobody believes this is going to be a couple surgical strikes,” he says.



  1. I pray he's correct...

  2. Give Obama a Shock Treatment for his BRAINSeptember 4, 2013 at 7:39 PM

    I hope so...Good God...Obama is out of Control...


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