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Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Longshoremen Quit AFL-CIO, Cite Obamacare

The 40,000-member International Longshore and Warehouse Union has dropped its ties to the AFL-CIO in a letter that partly blames compromises over Obamacare.

The letter from ILWU president Robert McEllrath to AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, dated Aug. 29, sets out a list of the Longshoremen's complaints against the AFL-CIO. The last page of the three-page letter accuses the AFL-CIO of "going along to get along" with the Obama administration on healthcare, immigration reform, and other issues.

"President Obama ran on a platform that he would not tax medical plans and at the 2009 AFL-CIO Convention, you stated that labor would not stand for a tax on our benefits," McEllrath wrote. Instead, the AFL-CIO lobbied affiliates to support the taxing of so-called "Cadillac" plans like the Longshoremen have.

The letter also chided Trumka's group for being too weak on immigration reform.



  1. obama ran on all "platforms" that turned out to be all lies.
    Only those with low IQ levels couldn't see he was all talk with no substance and a pathological liar-a ghetto hustler in a suit.

  2. You said it! Anyone who believed his bullcrap wanted to be tricked. To vote this hustler in twice, though, makes me wonder about this country.

  3. These people who voted for him are getting what they deserve

  4. It is a shame it took these idiots this long to see the error of their ways.

  5. Good for them,bad for the high up money suckers.


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