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Sunday, September 01, 2013

Rebels Admit Gas Attack Result Of Mishandling Chemical Weapons

In a report that is sure to be considered blockbuster news, the rebels told Dale Gavlak, a reporter who has written for the Associated Press, NPR and BBC, they are responsible for the chemical attack last week.

Gavlak is a Middle Eastern journalist who filed the report about the rebels claiming responsibility on the Mint Press News website, which is affiliated with AP.

In that report allegedly the rebels told him the chemical attack was a result of mishandling chemical weapons.



  1. Well,well, well, now! Good thing we're not in full bombing mode right now!

    What is your answer now, John Kerry?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So, all 3 sides probably own these WMD from Saddam, who probably got them from us. One of the factions who is not the Syrian Government was moving it to a new hiding place and it went off, killing and injuring many.

    So, now is when the UN needs to come in and monitor the weaponry used in the ongoing civil war. Make them do their job.

    Bottom line is, NOBODY used this bomb in an aggressive move to wipe out a bunch of people! So, there is no one to bomb. No one to drone attack. Nothing to do militarily by any other country at all.

    They are having a civil/ religious war. They have been doing this for thousands of years over there. That is how they live. For us, it's like having barbeques or going to bars. It's what they do on a daily basis. Let it be. We will never be able to stop it!

    I know, the military machine has nowhere to go right now to use up tanks, bombs, ammo, etc. Guarding the Mexican border generates none of the revenue of bomb making, tank building and the like. If we're not in a war somewhere, manufacturing jobs in the U.S. shrink even more!

    Sooo, bomb somebody somewhere just to guarantee an economic manufacturing base? We should just bomb ourselves if that;s the case.


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