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Sunday, September 01, 2013

A Viewer Asks: I wonder if this would work?


  1. Not enough profit in putting locals to work.Great idea,but defense contracts trump domestic enterprise when it involves bottom line profit.

  2. And we sure have our share of "thugs and murderers". Senator Kerry seems to be real concerned about the "thugs and murderers" in Syria. We've got plenty of them here. Why don't we work on our own. And how about the suicide rate in the military. And the huge, huge backlog of cases that await the returning veterans from Irag and Afganistan that we already aren't taking care of. Yet we need to go over and rattle sabers with Syria. I don't see yet where it has been proven which side released the gas. Oh well, just my two cents. I'm sure it will go far.

  3. The only thing invaded so far is the White House. The White House was invaded by a Muslim communist who has no idea of how America works and he does not understand or obeys the constitution he swore to uphold. In addition to this invader, he is accompanied by many more communists who are professional politicians who have absolutely no understanding of middle class America. Our invaders are cruel, inept, out of touch and basically not representative of America.

  4. 3 for 3 commenters! We have several domestic terrorists in the executive branch, the state department, CIA, IRS, and defense department. We need to purge!!

  5. I thought that was the theory behind 'Hope and Change'....no?

  6. How do you put the locals to work when the locals would rather collect welfare?

  7. The tea baggers would never fund such endeavors.

  8. When the number one career is a welfare mother....then we have a problem..it used to be....i wanna be just like my dad and his dad....a coalminer..an auto worker ...its sad that we have allowed the modern day slave via welfare....

  9. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?


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