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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Police State Horror In Suburban Toledo Neighborhood

Language warning for the video
A man allegedly asked a police officer to move his vehicle, because he was blocking the man’s driveway. The officer was writing a license plate citation for someone else. The officer’s car is marked Washington Township.

You can then see from pictures and video that the man, his wife, and fourteen year old son and manhandled, forced to lay in the street, and repeatedly threatened with violence.


  1. What if that was a mobile home park here. That cop would have probably ended up with the biggest beat down he ever got.

  2. Welcome to the new "protect and serve" police state. Hitler would be proud.

  3. Here's the problem. SOME, not all, LEO's are having trouble understanding that citizens can question them on their conduct. Criticism is very hard to swallow for a large amount of them.
    They also forget that our tax dollars pay their salary.
    When people are questioning your conduct, you have to answer for yourself. You are required to know the law and procedures and manner in which you should behave. That is what you went to school for.
    I think for a lot of officers who repeatedly show this "power trip" behavior, it stems back to being nerd kids in school and getting picked on. It's sad. They couldn't stand up for their self then and can't really do it know with out a badge.

  4. Pretty bad state of affairs when you need protection FROM the police...

  5. Just like I've said...cops turn a small matter (he could just said "sure, I'm sorry for blocking your driveway. Let me move the car....") into an unwarranted incident. Man and wife on the ground, in handcuffs, and he is pointing his weapon at the man's head (!). 11:23 is correct. We DO have a right to question their actions, we ARE THEIR MASTERS, and they should know that they often are the ones escalating the violence.
    I'm surprised that someone down the street didn't lean over the hood of their car, take aim, and put a .30-.30 round right throught that fat Nazi's head. The people's version of "protect and serve".

  6. This is BS the man/woman where acting like assholes and the cop had his hands full.who has the balls to ask a cop to move his car while he is doing his job,the male obviously was the aggressor and elevated the situation when All he had to do was WAIT.

  7. Where in this video does it show anyone asking the cop to move?? you all are just jumping to conclusions, convenient that the entire incident isn't it??

  8. The officer acted appropriately given the circumstances.He'll be cleared just like in the situation in Rehobeth.Those laying on the road acted as though they were on drugs.Their criminal background checks will find them out.

  9. 122...If you READ the article it is the VERY FIRST LINE, Pay attention fool.

  10. Anonymous Paul A said...
    122...If you READ the article it is the VERY FIRST LINE, Pay attention fool.

    September 19, 2013 at 5:34 PM

    You have a lot of nerve calling that person a fool after the crap you posted. Did you bother to read the article yourself?

  11. So he broke the law (blocking a driveway) while he was giving someone a ticket for breaking the law. He must have known he was doing something wrong or he wouldn't have taken the one persons phone and thrown it on the ground.

  12. I love cops , they are good people , they help us.
    Leave them alone , they have a job to do. They are our future and our brothers. We need them to become a police state , we need to listen to them and the government . They know what's best for us.
    I salute them and respect them.
    I want more government control and more food stamps . I want more low housing and free phones and free everything. Almost there now , a few more months.

  13. Paul A. The video.... Fool!!! reading is fundamental!

  14. Clearly whatever the article said happened must be exactly what happened, because people that have been arrested never lie. I believe the officer asked the gentleman with the camera to keep filming multiple times. That's weird because if he was doing something wrong you'd think he would be trying to hide it - not encourage filming. I wonder what really happened just before the video - probably not exactly what the citizens claimed. These videos never show what precipitated the arrest...because then you can't make up lies about the Police.

    Giovanni Jones

  15. Actually it was the man on the ground who asked him to keep filming. Why would this animal control officer turned cop throw their cell phone to the ground. Why can't you believe what they said? Everything else adds up. Especially considering all the HUNDREDS, maybe thousands of other similar cases such as these. If any lying is going on, it is coming from this newly appointed cop. And what, pray tell, could these 3 people have done to warrant such a response from this out of control cop?


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