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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Open Carry Protesters And A Sheriff Who Gets It


  1. Oh my God I think I finally seen a cop that gets it .

  2. OH WE GET IT!! Every situation is different and the circumstances can decide the outcome. This particular officer knew what they were protesting and empathized, explained that his office received a “call” so he had to respond, observed no violations so he engaged in conversation. Now, let’s see what happens when his bosses see this. The sheriff might be ok with it, but what about county officials (chances are one of them called the complaint in) and wants to know why they were not removed. Sh*t roles downhill.

  3. God Bless that deputy and keep him safe! We need more like him in every state!

  4. We need several hundred of him to replace some of the nitwits we have on the shore.

  5. Bless him and all his fellows! Someone who gets it! thank you for this video!


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