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Thursday, September 26, 2013

More Md. Bond Funding In The Works

The O’Malley administration on Wednesday successfully pushed to raise next year’s bond authorization to $1.16 billion, $75 million more than this year, rejecting objections by state Comptroller Peter Franchot that “we’re adding another Christmas tree ornament.”

“We can’t afford it,” Franchot told the Capital Debt Affordability Committee, saying it should stick to this year’s bond authorization of $1,085,000,000.

As often happens, Franchot was the lone voice in opposition, and was outvoted 4-1 on the five-member committee that includes the state treasurer and two O’Malley cabinet secretaries.



  1. Franchot for governor!

  2. Ask about what a waste of 15 million is the Public Safety new computer program the prison case workers are stuck with

  3. OweMalley doesn't care that he is destroying Maryland... The people who put him in offie deserve everything they get. I looking to get out of Maryland myself...

  4. Typical Democrat is O'Malley. Spend, spend, spend. Don't worry about who is going o pay the bills.

  5. We don't need anymore democrats in Maryland politics but I'm less afraid of Franchot than some of the others.

    At least Franchot is a business guy, accounting, and sees the writing on the wall.


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