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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Obamacare Is Killing America

Vanderbilt University Medical Center cutting several hundred more jobs

This week's eliminations are part of plan for losing 1,000 positions

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is eliminating several hundred more jobs this week as part of its plan to cut up to 1,000 positions by the end of the year. The cuts are expected to continue for several more weeks, and should be complete by late October. More


  1. A university/hospital...another bastion of Democrat voters.....remember who you voted for - twice!

    You are truly getting what you asked for!

  2. This may be just the tip of the iceberg.

  3. Obama is killing America.. Tell it like it is.!

  4. This is Obama's plan he is very happy its working out the way he planned it I hope all you libtards rot in hell

  5. I got my stuff , if I want your stuff I will take it.
    Thanks democrats , I'll love taking your stuff.

  6. Yes,but if it's cancelled will these people be hired back?


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