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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Business Group Asks O’Malley For Commission On Business Climate

The new chairman of Maryland Business for Responsive Government is calling on Gov. Martin O’Malley to create a blue ribbon commission to improve Maryland’s negative business climate.

Promising to take a more bipartisan approach as chair of MBRG, Jerry Wit, also senior vice president of St. John Properties, a major office developer, said he wrote to O’Malley Tuesday.

“Maryland’s problem of being an unfriendly state for business is a state problem,” Wit told an MBRG gathering. “We need the state to take charge of this,” and bring everyone to the table, business, nonprofits and state officials.



  1. O'Malley's business-friendly Maryland policies..... it's just another nail in his presidential aspirations for president...along with his gun laws..illegals...taxes..fees..rain tax.unemployement he is done before he even starts...Perry is gonna pull a Putin on him and embarass his dumb libtarded ass

  2. The liberals dont want to hear what it takes.Like one size fits all enviromental regulations,slow permit process,inventory tax,personal property tax.

  3. businesses and people are leaving our state in droves...

  4. Well, no Democrat is going to listen to Ellen Saurbrey(SP?), of course! So, then they can say the thing isn't working, and we need a "Blue Ribbon" bunch of... let me guess... Democrats... to "study" why it's not working?


    Imbeciles that need to be recalled is what they are. Omalley, raise your hand.

  5. Little too late for this panel. If you had listened to the average business person four years ago, this would not have been happening. You made the choice to stick with otaxie, now you suffer like the rest of us.

  6. Laughing stock is our word for the day, children!


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