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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Obama Encourages Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration

New book documents infiltration, putting extremists in power in Mideast

The Obama administration allowed into government agencies Islamic groups and activists tied to the Muslim Brotherhood who now influence U.S. anti-terrorism policies and endanger the nation, charges a newly released book.

In “Impeachable Offenses: The Case to Remove Barack Obama from Office,” New York Times bestselling authors Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott document Obama not only aided the rise to power of Islamic extremist groups in the Middle East but ushered likeminded extremists into the gates of the White House, with Muslim Brotherhood groups serving on important national security advisory boards.



  1. Chuck Hagel Secretary of Defense has received campaign funds from "Friends of Hamas" as a secret muslim like Obama, and John Brennan CIA DIRECTOR is a dirty muslim convert tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and also Saudi interests...
    Are any of these traitors someone you want running the agencies in our Government they are running?
    And we wonder what is wrong and why the Obama regime is supporting our enemies?

  2. All of this is pretty much common knowledge to those of us who aware of what is going on and would be common knowledge for almost everyone if the media wasn't in bed with this regime. Get ready for the fight of your life folks, because our "representatives" are not going to do a damned thing to stop the takeover of our once great country. I, for one, will not be "converted" or re-educated. I will take as many as I can with me when the time comes. Lock and load and be ready.

  3. I don't know why the hell the networks (not even fox) has made an issue of the link between the White House and the Muslim Brotherhood.

  4. How muslims use our incorrect ideas about the nature of iSLAM--- Against us.

    Building a mosque is mistakenly viewed by non-Muslims as just the construction of a house of worship, but its true goal is establishing a purposeful non-integrated Muslim identity to advance the goal of posterior Islamization.

    After reaching the stage of consolidation of the Muslim community, Muslims start the fight for special status and privileges, like public five-time calls to prayer; segregated male-female classroom, gyms, swimming pools; halal food; female head and face covering; Shari’ah compliant financial transactions and Islamic banks; the expulsion of “offensive” images and descriptions of Muhammad; official swearings-in on the Koran (instead of the Bible); neutralizing of official descriptive language about Muslim terrorists and Jihad; the attacks on books, movies, pictures and television programs with so-called “offensive” content combined with the skillful manipulation of the weakest spots of the host country, which in the case of the modern West are the accusations of “racism” and “xenophobia.”

    Once the Muslim population in this unlucky country that stupidly permitted the massive entry of Muslim immigrants reaches the critical mass, visible changes of this country begin to be apparent. Entire areas in Western cities become places where a woman dressed out of the norms of the Muslim dress code can be attacked, insulted and raped. Gradually,even the police starts to avoid such areas, because any entrance of the police in order to make an arrest of a Muslim criminal meets with fierce resistance and riots, which are then served by the liberal left-wing media as “religious discrimination” and “public profiling.”

    More and more women put on the (burka) and veil. Eventually, as the host population becomes familiarized with what politicians and media convince them are just the requirements of religious piety, Muslims spread their demands to segregation at public facilities, in the workplace, at schools, colleges and universities. It never stops, until liberty and freedom of thought, ....are non-existent.

    At this point, Muslims work extensively with host governments who help them to consolidate their positions by buying influence in all levels of society. It may seem stupid, but the truth is that the Leftists ENABLE the power gathering of muslims, in a devils' bargain, in gratitude for the votes of their prolific and self serving tribe.
    ---- It will be a short lived bargain.

  5. Our Muslim president is going to let muslims do anything they want period.

  6. England has 100 Sharia Courts.

  7. glenn beck on tonight at 9pm. vs. listening to Obama's lies.

    blazetv.com free tonight

  8. Correction. They have Sharia COUNCILS established for communications, buy no sharia courts. Sharia courts are not recognized by either Britain or Wales.

  9. OMG! Is that a url I see?

  10. @ Luke...

    Don't forget how our own "Department of Justice" (an oxymoron if I ever heard one) has warned that anti-muslim comments on social media can be considered a felony...shockingly (great sarcasm), nothing about anti-Christian comments being one...


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