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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Congressman Harris: I Will Not Vote To Authorize Military Action In Syria

Like many, Congressman Andy Harris, MD has been giving the situation in Syria a lot of thought recently. Last week, he released a statement (below) outlining his thoughts on the authorization to use military force resolution that is being considered in Congress:

“I appreciate President Obama fulfilling his constitutional obligation by seeking Congressional authorization before using military force in Syria. There are serious questions about whether taking military action against Syria is in our national security interest and how the United States should respond to nations around the world who use chemical weapons against their own citizens. The Administration needs to make the case to Congress and the American people why military intervention is needed and clearly state the scope of the planned intervention. The decision to engage militarily is one of the most serious a member of Congress can make, and, although at this point I would not vote for military intervention, I plan to examine all of the evidence before making a decision.“


After attending a classified Members-only briefing last night and much consideration, Congressman Harris has decided that he will not be voting for authorization to use military force in Syria if it is brought before a vote in Congress. He believes that using military force against Syria is not in the national security interest of the United States, and the Administration has been unable to make the case to the American people.

Congressman Harris went on Maryland’s “The Tom Marr Show” and “The C4 Show” earlier today to explain his decision. Audio of both interviews are below along with an official statement

The Tom Marr Show

The C4 Show


  1. One of very few that has common sense.

  2. While I don't agree with him all the time I think he is a better politician then most. Good call Andy.

  3. Article 5 of the United States Constitution/ Read itSeptember 10, 2013 at 3:49 PM

    Thank you for listening to THE PEOPLE ANDY...

    this action will surely place you in a position to get re-elected...

  4. Thank you representing the people.

  5. Democrats are such hypocrites thanks Andy

  6. Thanks for listening to your constituents Dr. Harris.
    Obama, Carey, Hagel, Brennan and regime are guilty of aiding the enemy.
    They are promoting the radical Islamic takeover of the middle east.
    They are not representing the will of the majority of America or the best interests of our allies.
    This is the fundamental transformation of America Obama campaigned on.
    He is enabling the advancement of the Islamic World Caliphate.
    Dr. Harris, call it what it is.

  7. good call. thank you

  8. Good Call Andy Harris. Thank you


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