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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Obama Announces More Executive Actions On Guns

Unable to get gun control legislation through Congress, the Obama administration announced two new executive actions Thursday – one to “close a loophole,” another to block importation of surplus military weapons.

The announcements come the same day that Vice President Joe Biden – who has spearheaded the administration’s anti-gun efforts since the school massacre in Newtown, Conn. in December — is set to do a ceremonial swearing-in of B. Todd Jones, who was confirmed by the Senate as the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The two new executive actions are on top of 23 previous executive actions announced by President Barack Obama after the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting.

Under current law, the administration says that machine guns and short barreled shotguns must be registered and an individual must undergo a fingerprint-based background check to purchase the gun.

“At present, when the weapon is registered to a trust or corporation, no background check is run,” a White House news release said Thursday morning. “ATF reports that last year alone, it received more than 39,000 requests for transfers of these restricted firearms to trusts or corporations.”



  1. MAy be time to lock and load boysSeptember 3, 2013 at 9:58 PM

    We must fight this Tyranny...We are living in a Post Constitutional time b/c of Obama

  2. This is another smoke screen by Obama. Do a search on The Freedom Group. That group is headed up by George Soros, and it is reported that corp. bought the Marlin, Remington and other gun manufacturing companies. Soros is the person that finances Obama and his campaigns. He also owns Progressive Insurance Co. Obama is a liar!


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