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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

By Definition: If You Don't Get Paid Enough, It's Your Own Fault

And that means the power to improve your situation rests solely with you. Aren't you glad I'm telling you this?

The boss, who knows a thing or two about how and why people get paid entry-level wages, touched on this in his post-show video on Friday. I want to expand on the theme a little here, because what I've always believed about people's economic state of affairs is a message that I see as empowering, but that many wrongly see as "blaming the victim."

And that's because they don't like the idea that at some point you have to let go of blame and complaints and admit that only you can decide your own economic fate.



  1. This is such a terrible thought process to have.

    You are the only one who can control how much money you make?

    No, Im pretty sure its pretty cut and dry. Your boss controls how much money you make. You can work harder and harder everyday, showcase your worth, etc. At the end of the day if your boss wont pay you more, you dont make anymore.

    1. That's why you get another job 8:51! Are you that dense?!

  2. Try working two jobs or go back to.school. not everything in life is someone elses fault even though Obamanation wants.you to believe that.

  3. Ding fries are done, 8:51. Better get to making another batch.

  4. 8:51 That's a cop out. Any person who makes it known through their actions, are always rewarded. The people who cry and moan, can't see that they're not worth more.

  5. As Larry Winget's book title states, "you're poor and broke because you wanna be".

  6. so, they buy thousands of kiosks...you could have had a job!

  7. I guess everyone in here except 8:51 had everything handed to them on a silver plate.

    "Any person who makes it known through their actions, are always rewarded."

    Hows your home on fantasy Island working out because that's the only place that statement could be true.
    People with obvious merit get passed over all the time for promotion because of nepotism.

    Just because someone is the boss does not make them a good boss.

  8. That's why they call it a McPaycheck.


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