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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nancy Pelosi Should Be Denied Holy Communion Over Abortion Rights Stance: Vatican Official

Raymond Cardinal Leo Burke says the California Democrat has 'obstinately' separated her religious and political lives, which he calls a 'grave error.'
A Vatican official has come out in support of denying communion to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for her support of abortion rights.

Raymond Cardinal Leo Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura in Rome — the Vatican's Supreme Court — slammed the California Democrat for "obstinately" persisting in grave sin by supporting the policy, even "after repeated admonitions."



  1. She should get on her knees and pray for forgiveness....what would jesus do...he certainly would stand for and condone abortion..

  2. what happen to separation of church and state? I respect your right to free speech. Do I think abortion is right or even fair.. NO. Where is the line drawn to keep this country a country of free speech? I don't agree with the policy but I will not throw stones. He without sin... etc.

  3. Do you really want to listen to the catholic church give moral advice billions paid out in sexual abuse lawsuits world wide

  4. 10:44 On the mark! Bring in a new pope to stir things up and take their minds off of things such as sexual abuse. It is smoke mirrors and cards. The show is on!

  5. The conflicts of interests within our government are intolerable.Everyone is self serving.Only a truly selfless person can be a true Christian.One who looks out for the good of the people,and not constantly honed in on their own portfolios.

  6. Denied communion?
    How about hung for treason?

  7. Do you really think she gives a ....? NOT LIKELY!

  8. 9:56, funny... I thought you just had to bash everyone who doesn't believe what you believe... Interdasting.


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