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Sunday, September 01, 2013

Mysterious FEMA Region lll Alert Has Folks On Edge

CERDAFIED - Following the bread crumb trail of FEMA orders, retired State Senator Sheldon R. Songstad of South Dakota State issued an “Emergency Fema Region 3 Alert!!!,” on August 13th.

Region three is comprised of; Washington DC, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Songstad’s research turned up some very interesting facts. Each item on its own could go unnoticed, but the collective facts may be worthy of your attention and scrutiny. The U.S. government appears to be preparing for a major event. It appears that this event is being staged for approximately Oct. 1st. Let’s look at the numbers and dates.

UN Peacekeepers began training the 4th week of July and will complete their nine week training by October 1st. They are learning English, as well as US weapon systems and Urban Warfare training.

How many troops are training? 386,000 troops!



  1. Something is going down soon, I heard the Fema planes last night.

  2. Tic toc tic toc looks like the time is getting near. I know my God will walk with me & I will fear no evil.

  3. The question is what group of people will be the target and for what reason(s)?

  4. Easton, MD - We had military helicopters flying around Easton last night. Around 7 PM

  5. 12:18-And they were real loud.You could hear them over the a/c and the TV.

  6. Now the world is shooting down Oscama and his military strike against syria.....good BC the FSA rebels are the Muslim brotherhood.

  7. Calm down people... The Federal Government Fiscal Year ends Sept 30. The new Fiscal year begins Oct. 1. All this probably has to do with clearing out budgets and starting new budget purchases.

  8. 1:22 Really? Our comment for the day from Ostrich Union Local 3862

  9. Actually, 122 is spot on.

  10. 2:09 your 1:22 and 2:09 post are still naive.

  11. Actually its about 2 COMETS to hit Region 3 between (east coast) between Nov 1 and jan 14.

  12. NOV THRU JAN 2014

  13. Wow. Y'all best buckle the straps on your tin foal hats!

    1. Shhhhh go back to sleep..... 1sheep 2 sheep 3sheep

  14. W said "bring em on"!!

  15. Buncha looney tunes.

    1. You should do some research . But that would mean that you would ha e to do some work, then you might have to think for yourself. You know what just watch American idol.

  16. Somethings not been right for a few years now. Besides all of the military activity at the Salibury airport, I saw a dozen Hum-vees headed towards Salisbury yesterday.

  17. PLUS... the renovations at the armory on RT 50 have made it a fortress.

  18. This is serious folks. Prepare. 2nd sun entering our solar system . We will not be hit directly but two solar systems in the same area is not a good thing. We will experience large earthquakes, numerous deadly damaging lightening strikes , electrical pole fires, excessive meteor strikes . These are nothing compared the power loss that will take place to uv rays entering our atmosphere and blowing transformers. Do you realize what that means for FEMA region 3 due to the very large amount of nuclear reactors in those states. Without power meltdowns will occur within days or weeks. My advise to you all when you see these things happening on a require basis be at least 150 miles away from any nuclear plant. This will not guarantee your safety but will give you a chance. Hope I am wrong about all this but I don't think so.


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