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Friday, September 13, 2013

Is This Why Obama Is So Desperate For A Nice Little War?

The president and his coterie of humanitarian interventionist laptop bombers have been so desperate to push the US into another war in the Middle East they have resorted to cooking the US Intelligence Community books and cherry picking second-hand intercepts and other intelligence to a degree that would even have made President George W. Bush blush.

The “evidence” provided was nothing more than unsupported assertions masked by manufactured outrage and the suggestion that anyone who did not believe them was devoid of a moral compass and quite probably a supporter of Hitler.

So why all the drama? Why the desperation to focus our attention externally, to monsters abroad in need of slaying?

Could it be the mushrooming NSA scandal, that all of a sudden has grown exponentially more serious with today’s Guardian Snowden-leak sourced report that the “NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans’ data with Israel.”


1 comment:

  1. The "war" will allow the to rack up and hide even greater deficits!


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