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Friday, September 13, 2013

9/11 Commission Chair: Director Of Intelligence James Clapper Should Be Indicted For Perjury

The co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission – Lee Hamilton and Thomas Keane – slammed the NSA last month, saying that spying was out of control.

As the Herald Times reported Saturday, Hamilton has now become more outspoken:
Former U.S. Rep. Lee Hamilton, D-Ind., who is now the director of the Center on Congress at IU, used the sharpest language in criticizing the institution where he had worked for three decades.
“The amount of misinformation about government surveillance programs is simply astounding and appalling,” Hamilton said, going on to say he is waiting for Attorney General Eric Holder to indict U.S. Director of Intelligence James Clapper on charges of perjury for saying his agencies were not spying on Americans, which was later debunked by Snowden’s leaks about programs that mine data from companies such as Verizon.
Hamilton was pronounced in his condemnation of the NSA and the legislators who have enabled the secret courts that allow spy programs to operate with inadequate oversight, repeatedly emphasizing activity that he considered “OUT-rageous,”describing the amount of information that is in the hands of the NSA as “mind-boggling.” It would “knock your socks off,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. We are almost at the point of having shadow government, doing as they please ---legal or not -- without fear of any consequences. It's one of the final acts of a floundering government, society, and culture. A first row seat for history unfolding....and it ain't gonna turn out well for us....


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