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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is It Possible?


  1. How would they know who to look for?

  2. That's the elected President of the United States, Do you thing this stupid gag shows due respect for the office? I think not.

    Why don't you be honest to the world and admit you don't like him because he is Black and quit with the cowardly back attacks.....

    P.S. Better luck next election....


  3. If only it were that easy

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    That's the elected President of the United States, Do you thing this stupid gag shows due respect for the office? I think not.

    Do you think that IDIOT shows any respect for that office? This country? YOU?

    I'm not convinced he was elected the second time. I think he stole it with a computer program.

    Why don't YOU be honest and admit you suck up to him BECAUSE HE IS BLACK, or at least HALF black.

    It goes much beyond the color of his skin you tool. He would be poison if his skin was green.

    Try to get past your racism and see the facts for what they are, not what al or jesse or whoever tell you they are.

  5. The election was out of our hands period.I feel foolish for even voting for Romney.Looking back I feel that Romney could have won by a landslide and still lost.Truth be known he feels the same way.

  6. i can start with 16 trillion reasons not to like him and his administration

  7. Gerald, retired Detroit copSeptember 25, 2013 at 11:26 PM

    I don't like his white half either!


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