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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Details, Details, Details: Obamacare Still A Fog

When former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi famously said Congress would have to pass the Obamacare bill so people could find out what was in it, few might have guessed that on the verge of its implementation, so many basic details would remain a question mark, including rates, coverage and availability.

In any case, the outlook for Obamacare is so bad that even Democrats have begun calling it a “train wreck.”

The Wall Street Journal confirms the program that was supposed to make health care insurance available to all and save families $2,500 a year, as Barack Obama promised, probably isn’t going to do that.

“I was always skeptical of Obamacare,” Georgia Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens, a Republican, said. “But I never imagined that it would lead to rates being doubled or tripled. Increases of this magnitude will make coverage less affordable and increase the number of uninsured in Georgia.”


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